Mark DiTomassi is the seller. He will harass and call you constantly. If you do not answer he will show up to your house. He is the biggest lier. I can't believe we fell for the biggest scam. He had someone by the name of Howard come to your house and tell you that they do your sidings and roof for low cost and that it is a state program. In reality you are taking out a loan. And if the loan is not paid they will put a lean on the house. He tried selling bootleg watches to my husband too. These are just some of the things i can remember. Just not a good experience for first time home owners already in debt.
Mark DiTomassi is the seller. He will harass and call you constantly. If you do not answer he will show up to your house. He is the biggest lier. I can't believe we fell for the biggest scam. He had someone by the name of Howard come to your house and tell you that they do your sidings and roof for low cost and that it is a state program. In reality you are taking out a loan. And if the loan is not paid they will put a lean on the house. He tried selling bootleg watches to my husband too. These are just some of the things i can remember. Just not a good experience for first time home owners already in debt. STAY AWAY!!!!!! STATEWIDE REHAB AND MARK DITOMASSI ARE NO GOOD!!